Engage With God | Others | The World

What Is An Engage Group?

Engage Groups are simple, Spirit-led, small groups that meet regularly to help us grow as we follow Jesus together.

Engage Groups do this by providing us an opportunity to consistently encounter God in His word and actively listen to and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit so we can align every part of our life to scripture - with the support and encouragement of others.

What We Do In Engage Groups

Engage Groups encourage practices that help us engage with God in His word, engage with others in relationships, and engage with the world on mission.


Members of an Engage Group regularly read the Bible. The goal of this reading is to discover what the text says (observation), understand what it means (interpretation), and determine what we should do in response to what the text says and means (application).

As we read, we ask these questions.

💡What shines out in the passage and draws my attention?

What in the passage is hard to understand or something I want to know more about?

🎯What is the central idea or main point of the passage?

What do I see in the passage that I will be thinking about during the week?

What do I see that I want to share with someone else?

❤️What is the Holy Spirit saying to me through the passage? What do I need to do to respond?


When we meet we talk about what the Holy Spirit is showing us in the text and how it relates to our life and mission as followers of Jesus. We not only share and discuss our questions and insights with each other, we also encourage and challenge one another to align every part of life to God's Word.


We can do nothing without God's guidance and empowerment. Therefore, we value prayer and regularly pray with and for the members of our Engage Group. Each meeting we pray for the needs that are made known during the discussion and commit to praying for one another during the week. We also pray for opportunities to share what we are learning with others and to bless others in the name of Jesus.

How To Join An Engage Group

Use the form below if you need more information or would like help joining or starting a group.