A Season of Giving
2 Corinthians 9:11
You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
This year, during our Season of Giving, we have an opportunity to help our neighbors across the street and around the world. To donate, use the giving buttons below or use our regular online giving platforms and designate your gift for Holiday Meals, Benevolence, or Mexico Missions.
This year we've been invited to help provide holiday meals for families who attend Tonalea Middle School.
You can participate by bringing grocery store gift cards to our service on Sunday mornings (Nov 17 & 24).
You can also use the button below to donate to Grace Chapel and we will purchase gift cards and food that will be distributed through the school.
This holiday season, more people are seeking help from Tempe Community Action Agency than ever before. We can help them meet the growing need.
Use the button below to donate directly to TCAA or make a donation to Grace Chapel and we will pass it on to TCAA.
Give the gift of nutritious food
- Feed a family in crisis for one month: $100
- Sponsor one senior’s access to a month of nutritious lunches offered at local senior centers: $125
- Purchase one month of home-delivered meals and friendly visits for a home-bound senior or adult with disabilities: $250
Give the gift of safe shelter or housing
- Help a household in crisis to keep the lights on this winter: $150
- Sponsor one month of emergency shelter and wrap-around services for a man or woman experiencing homelessness: $350
- Provide one month of rent assistance to a household in crisis: $1,150
Give the gift of health
- Purchase gas cards to assist seniors with trips to medical appointments: $25 each
- Help with the cost of newborn essentials for a low-income pregnant mother and father: $250
- Provide one infant car seat for a newborn: $100
Help us bless the people our Mexico Missions Trip team will be visiting in the new year.
Everything donated to the Mexico Missions fund will be used to support local churches, ministries, pastors, and missionaries in Northern Mexico.